As a registered tellows user you have numerous advantages in the tellows forum. However, registration is not required to participate in our forum. Comments can be submitted as a registered or unregistered user. Registration works via OpenID. Open your free account here.
Benefits as a Registered tellows User
tellows Premium for the Android app: free for one month!When you register with tellows for the first time, you get the premium version of the app for free for one month! All you have to do is download the tellows app on your Android phone and log in to the app with your account. Then open the premium menu and confirm the 1-month subscription. You will be redirected to the Play Store. It is a free trial month that turns into a subscription if not canceled before automatic renewal. In the premium version you can not only identify calls, but also block them. You can also use a personal block list that contains all the numbers you rate negatively.
Edit comments
You can edit comments made in the member area or on the number details page.
Creating personal blocking lists
In addition to the community blocking list, which contains current phone numbers that have already been reported by the community, you can immediately add negatively commented numbers to your personal blocking list. If you use tellows products, your block list automatically includes all of your previously rated numbers. You can also link your license code for the blacklist in the member area under “My phone blacklist” . Certain license codes from tellows partners receive an additional year of call protection as a bonus if this is linked to the user account in the member area.

Comments from registered users cannot be removed without a thorough check by tellows support. We'll contact you if someone wants to have your comment removed.
No captcha
As a registered user, you do not have to enter captchas for each comment.
The user's email address is automatically stored for notification. When commenting, all you have to do is tick the notification box.
Marking as a premium user
Comments from registered users are marked with a star in the forum.
tellows karma
The more often your comments are rated as helpful, the more “tellows karma” you will receive. The more karma you have accumulated, the better. You can view your tellows karma in the member area.

How do I become a registered user?
To do this, simply click on “Login” at the top of the tellows page and log in with one of the OpenID accounts mentioned. Only your email address is stored in our system for comparison. After connecting, all you have to do is choose a username. With this function we help to significantly improve the quality and transparency of comments made. More information about: How does OpenID work?Members area
The members area is available via desktop and mobile view for all registered users. The tellows apps can also be connected to your user account. After logging in, you will find the member area at the top of the page. There you can
- Access your account settings (change your username and turn off notifications)
- Manage comments (overview of all comments and editing possible)
- Manage your personal blacklist (e.g. for the Fritzbox, the tellows apps or the tellows call blocker)
Manage and access your personal block list & tellows API
Numbers with negative comments immediately end up on your personal block list. It is important to log in to the website or link the app to your tellows account. Your personal block list contains all numbers that you have rated yourself (regardless of the ratings of other users) and of course all other phone numbers rated on tellows.
Example: The phone number has a score of 6. You assign a score of 8 when evaluating the number. The number then automatically ends up in your blacklist with a score of 8.
You can use the blacklist with all tellows products , such as the Fritz!Box, the mobile tellows apps, telephone systems (via CSV API) or the call blocker for landlines .
You also have the option of registering on and linking your account with your license code. Phone numbers that have already been rated in your tellows phone book are synchronized in the FRITZ!Box. Numbers that you have blocked via FRITZ!Fon are automatically assigned to your user account. You can find instructions on how to link your tellows account here .
You can use the blacklist with all tellows products , such as the Fritz!Box, the mobile tellows apps, telephone systems (via CSV API) or the call blocker for landlines .

You also have the option of registering on and linking your account with your license code. Phone numbers that have already been rated in your tellows phone book are synchronized in the FRITZ!Box. Numbers that you have blocked via FRITZ!Fon are automatically assigned to your user account. You can find instructions on how to link your tellows account here .
Your personal code to access the blocked list
This code is assigned to your user account. If you are registered on tellows and buy a product in the shop using the same email address, your blacklists are linked to your user account. This means you always receive personalized block lists that take your already rated numbers into account.If you have already purchased a product in the tellows shop with an email address that does not support Open-ID, then you must first create a new account on You can do so in the member area under “My phone blacklist”Link your license code from the shop to your user account on tellows. Certain license codes from tellows partners receive an additional year of call protection as a bonus if this is linked to the user account in the member area. You can then use this account to rate numbers. If you use the automated blacklist using the CardDAV server for the Fritzbox or the tellows apps, then your self-rated numbers will be taken into account in your blacklists.
For manual downloads of the blocked lists, you can personalize the download link with your user ID. You can find your personal user ID in your member area of tellows. You add this to the download link of the score lists in the shop with the parameter “&userapikey=YOUR_USER_ID”. This must be done manually with each download.
Using the tellows API
All tellows products use the tellows API. By purchasing a tellows API key or the tellows CSV lists, individual queries can be made. Various parameters are available for individualization to refine the output of the results. For example, you will receive results with telephone numbers that correspond to the desired minimum score or have a minimum number of comments.You can get a detailed insight into the tellows API with all available parameters in our documentation (English): tellows API documentation .
If you are interested in an individual solution for your company, you can join our partner program: tellows API Partnership Program .
Manage your member account and comments
In the member area settings you can change your nickname and activate/deactivate notifications. Registered users receive news first!
Edit comments
As a registered user, you can edit your comments. Comments can be edited immediately after submission. An incorrect rating, typo or addition can be made quickly without reposting the entire comment. You can change the comments you have made either in the member area under “My Comments” or on the number details page itself.

Get actively involved now: Support us as a moderator and improve tellows!
Numerous members of the community already scan Tellows for spam every day and contribute to quality assurance. In doing so, they take on an important task because the quality of the content on our website is our top priority.It is not possible for tellows to review individual comments as over 50,000 comments are made every month in different countries and languages. That's why we appreciate the community's help in reviewing comments that violate the Terms of Service.
With the moderator function we would like to enable you to better manage the review and removal of comments and thus become an even more important part of the tellows community. If you are interested in joining the moderator team, just contact us .